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In primary, students learned about the interconnectedness between animals, humans and the environment, which is especially obvious through the food chain.

3 weeks pass away, SNAers went through half of the summer journey of observing the world and exploring their own personal development, their own unique identity.

With the week 2 theme of "A Happy Summer Train For Future Leaders”, students have the opportunity to explore personal histories; home and journeys; turning points in humankind explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness

Congratulations "Chạy Đi Chờ Chi" Episode 10 - Recording at International School of North American SNA reached the Top 1 most popular Video on YouTube channel

In the afternoon of May 18th 2019, SNA school solemnly held a closing ceremony for high school students of 2018-2019 school year with the participation of a lot of parents and teachers.

Another school year has passed. In the vibrant summer atmosphere is the joyful celebration of the 2018 - 2019 school year of elementary students at SNA on May 30, 2019 with participation of many SNA parents and teachers.

The graduation ceremony for the grade12 students at SNA took place on May 29, which was an event that marks their maturity.

The fashion collection has an extremely impressive name "Trendy Trash".

STEAM Science Fair has been more intense than ever.

The age of 18 - the age of youth is also a beautiful time of students, which is also the reason why SNA's students of grade 12 chose “Eighteen” as the theme for Prom 2019.

This science fair brings an extremely impressive name " STEAM Research Conference & Competition”, for students from grade 6th to12th. Their passionate research projects will be proudly showed and presented.

Lots of parents had chances to join school tour. They also were excited about the interesting SNA’s Summer Program and understood deeply how to become psychological parents and build the connection between parents and children in revolution 4.0.